Questions about our innovative solutions

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can TIME be installed?

TIME may be installed on the business premises or on public or private clouds. Installation can be done on a virtual machine or a dedicated server.

What are the system requirements for TIME?

In order to install TIME properly, the following pre-requisites must be met:

– Technical Dimensions: 4Go of dedicated RAM, 1 core processor, 1Go for the Filesystem
– Database Minimums: Oracle 11g, SQL Server 2008, Post Gres SQL 9

How long does TIME take to install?

TIME takes one day to install and anywhere from two to five days to configure, depending on complexity.

What is a “TIME application”?

A “TIME application” is any application that runs on the TIME system.

This term can apply to existing software applications that interface to other applications via TIME, an existing software application that was onboarded onto the TIME system, or a software application that was created from scratch using the TIME system and interface.

Is TIME just used in banking?

No, TIME can be used to create, modify, or execute any service, application, or software (new or existing) on any channel (on-premises, in the cloud, WebService, etc.).

What are some use cases of TIME?

The use cases of TIME are infinite – if you can imagine software doing it, TIME can make it happen.

TIME is onboarded into every one of the products we develop. In addition, here are some other ways our clients have chosen to run on TIME :

– Automated deployments
– CI/CD platform
– Integration bus
– Software and application development platform
– Business process manager
– WebService application (front-end and back-end management)
– Automation and digitization of the billing and payments process
– Modernizing legacy structure

How will TIME impact my existing architecture?

Installing TIME will not impact your existing software or systems.

Once installed, users can interface and access any of their existing services using TIME’s generic APIs or by onboarding applications onto the TIME system. All connected systems will be visible on the TIME interface.

This gives you the liberty to configure your information system as you please, without the risk of impact.

Can I still use my .Net/Java, C++ applications with TIME?

Yes. The TIME architecture is built up of all the technical components that are present in every software application. Because of this, TIME is capable of executing any software, service or application regardless of programming language, data format, communications protocol, etc.

A preview of the TIME system architecture may be seen here.

How can I modify my .Net/C++/etc. application once it’s running on the TIME system?

With TIME, users have a choice as to how they can add or modify functions. Users have the choice of:

– Making them directly within TIME and interface the accessible functions within the .Net libraries via direct “call”
– Making them by modeling (in part, or in whole) the functions of a .Net application within a TIME application.
– Interfacing the application directly via API or via integration of a .Net library

How much does TIME cost?

TIME is priced on use, per transaction – no license fees, monthly costs or per-user fees. We work directly with our clients to establish a pricing model and a price per transaction that suits their exact needs.