Forbes Leader’s Talk Interviews Streammind President, Nicolas Muhadri

(June 2018) – In an interview with Forbes France and Leader’s Talk, Streammind founder and president, Nicolas Muhadri, talks digital transformation, cyber security, and the industrialization of code.

Digital transformation, cyber security, and the industrialization of code

Leader’s Talk (L.T): Hello and welcome to “Leader’s Talk,” which is dedicated today to the digital transformation of businesses and institutions: artificial intelligence, design for humans, platforms, 5G, social marketing, as well as the internet of things – all tools used by companies to innovate, to collaborate, and to grow.

According to a study conducted by IFOP and Julhiet Sterwen, 73% of employees believe that this transformation is positive for their companies. All sectors are concerned by this transformation, including the financial world.

New regulations, as well as the Macron Law on banking mobility are heading towards this dematerialization. In order to do this, companies are using high-tech solutions, specialized in the processes of data flows (for example).

So, what are the big trends of 2018?

L.T : Hello.

N.M : Hello.

L.T: So, you are at the head of Streammind, which is a software publisher specializing in the processing of electronic flows. What are these “electronic flows”?

N.M: These electronic flows need to be seen in a larger perspective, because they actually encompass all the data treatments that a company conducts, which goes from the product-level treatments, through the connections and communications done over the internet.

L.T: So, in a global context, what is the status regarding the digital transformation of these companies, and what are the main trends of 2018?

N.M: I would say that the 2018 trends are a “bottom-line” trend. Companies are being confronted with a deep and profound change linked to the change in user behavior. Customers’ needs are highly volatile and are moving towards hyper personalization – and this forces companies to find solutions that can help them adapt and remain present in the market.

The problem is that the currently proposed tools are tools that date from technologies developed in the 80s-90s, which are not adapted to this mutation. The solution is to find a technology that allows companies to design and deploy applications using functional thinking alone. This is the solution!

L.T: You’re also involved in the finance sector, as I was saying just before. Are there any flaws in all these new technologies? Are there any flaws in this “cashless society”?

N.M: They are indeed of several kinds. There are “typical” security vulnerabilities. Security is an extremely important element because we are entering a world of connected objects. There will be billions of connected objects in the coming years and the main problem is that these connected objects are absolutely not secure today. So the flaws are multiple …

L.T: … in regards to hacking, etc. …?

N.M: In regards to hacking, denial of service, etcetera. There are flaws in regards to safety and security – cyber security. “Safety” is contingent on human behavior and cyber security concerns security at the technical level, whether software or hardware.

L.T: Especially since we know that in 2017, there was a “boom” in the number of cyber security attacks on businesses.

N.M: Exactly.

L.T: Today, we’re talking about flaws. Ultimately, we know that these new technologies have a certain limit.

N.M: Yes, the flaws are first at the source code of the software itself – the quality of the source code. The first flaw is the lack of industrialization of these source codes, and the problem continues – why? Because companies are continuing to move towards IT solutions that focus on the use of source code. And so, the solution is to separate completely, once and for all, the technical part of the business, to allow companies to move towards this agility.

L.T: So what services does Streammind offer?

N.M: Streammind has developed a technology called “TIME“, which is a unique technology, and is actually the first system to allow any company to be able to design and deploy any application, whatever the sector, by a solely functional approach. This allows companies to render any technical constraints fully transparent and to be able to focus solely on the “functional” and “business” part [of a service] in order to solve their needs and respond to market demands.

L.T: So what is your development strategy?

N.M: Our development strategy is to be able to offer solutions to as many people as possible, covering different market sectors based on a single technology, TIME, which is in fact our strategic technology and which makes it possible to design applications able to meet the different needs and sectors of activity.

[TIME] allows companies that are charged to bill their suppliers or bill their customers, and in these cases, there is a solution that allows in one application to be able to both send a claim with the invoice, to be able to negotiate the price, the amount, the deadlines, to thus allow the issuer, the creditor, to have the guarantee of fast response of his debtor.

And so the solution, and the result notably, is that the debtor and the creditor preserve their business relationship; the creditor sees his payment periods reduced, and finally, the invoicing part becomes an element, I would say, favorable to the increase of the economic activity since it no longer poses any problems, as risk therefore of deposit of balance sheet for companies that are facing this problem of payment delay.

L.T: So, ultimately, TIME intervenes at all levels –  it’s the miracle solution!

N.M: It is a solution that aims to become a universal solution, both in the French and international markets.

L.T: So, Nicolas Muhadri, let’s turn to the future. What are the projects and prospects for Streammind?

N.M: Streammind was created in 2008. Its development plan was based on two phases: our R&D phase lasted 10 years. Why 10 years? In order to give Streammind a unique technological strength.

We are now entering, after this successful R&D phase, our “international development” phase, and our development strategy is to be able to create a community of users, a community of distributors, and a community of integrators and professionals to spread our technology in a massive way, and thus allow users and businesses to move [out of a world of projects and] into a world of “services”.

L.T: It’s all that we wish you. Thank you for having joined us and for having accepted our invitation, Nicolas Muhadri.

N.M: Thank you.

The original video (in French) can be viewed here on the website of Forbes France.

For more information, please contact Christina Langer or visit our website.

Press Contact

Christina Langer
Global Marketing and Communications Director
Tel: +33 (0)1 56 92 39 59

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